Welcome to Scatmario's Video Game Review! Today I shall review a XBOX 360 game! And it's called Saints Row 2! Ok, you're playing as................WHOEVER YOU WANT!!! Yes you can create your player!!! Then, after you create your player, a guy named Carlos (He's very important later) wakes you up from your coma, and asks you to help get out of the jail hospital you're in. Then you choose to either barge though the jail and skip the tutorial, or sneak though the roof and do the tutorial. I recommended skipping the tutorial because the game is easy to find out and because there's a lot more guns to help you, including a automatic rifle! After you get out of jail, you gotta save your good friend, Johnny Gat, from court for 2000 murders!!!!!!!! Then, after that you gotta beat up hobos and take their home. Mean, aren't they? Then you gotta get your gang, The 3rd Street Saints together, with lieutenants Pierce, a black guy that will mostly play classical music when you're in the car with him, Shaundi, a slutty whore, and good ol Carlos. This game is funny and awesome, and plus, you can beat up Grandmas! This game is also has sad moments though...but then it's funny again!!! But don't worry, this game also gets sorta challenging too. One of the coolest parts is when you get Legal Lee. At first, I thought he only makes two appearances in the game, one in the courtroom where you're saving Gat and two when you start the FUZZ missions for the first time. And when I got him as a homie I thought he just gets rid of the wanted level, but no. What he does is he comes out of nowhere in a ambulance (maybe runs of over a few people) and starts shooting the people you're fighting with. Sometime he might take a long time and when he get there he says something like "Sorry, just had a long case at court," of something. This game is pure awesomeness, so here's the score:
Graphics: 8/10
Fun: 10/10
Easiness: 7/10
Controls 10/10
Verdict: Must buy it!!!